Do you have an old gas furnace or gas water heater you have been thinking about replacing? Now is the time to re-think your options for air heating/cooling and water heating your home. It’s time to go electric! By upgrading our homes and buildings to electric and making them more energy efficient, we can save money and eliminate a major source of carbon and indoor air pollution. Did you know that households would save $1,800 per year on average by going fully electric, that burning fossil fuels indoor is a major source of health problems like childhood asthma and fossil fuel burning in buildings is a major source of climate pollution?

The Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law in August 2022 and tax incentives and rebates for California households are available now. You can get tax credits up to $2,000/year for heat pump space & water heaters and now rebates are available. The Inflation Reduction Act offers other incentives to electrify, such as, induction stoves, other electric appliances, rooftop solar, electric vehicles, etc.

If you want to replace your gas furnace, now, you can get rebates of up to $8,000 per unit (80% Area Median Income) or $4,000 per unit (80-150% Area Median Income) for a new Air (HVAC) Heat Pump. In addition, TECH Clean California will give you an additional $1,500 on top of the other rebate. If you want to replace your water heater, you can get a rebate of $1,100 per unit for a Heat Pump Water Heater.

What is a Heat Pump? HVAC Heat pumps use electricity to move heat from one place to another to cool & warm buildings, so are two appliances in one — they heat and cool your home! They are are 2–3x more efficient than most current fossil fuel heating systems. It’s easier to move heat around than to generate it. Heating and cooling are responsible for 60 percent of our home emissions — and a heat pump can reduce your heating-related fossil fuel use by 40 percent or more.

If you want to save money, stay healthy and help the environment, go to THE SWITCH IS ON, to find your savings and qualified contractors. To learn more about the Inflation Reduction Act Residential Energy Rebate Programs, go to


Categories: Climate Change

Abe Mazliach

I am passionate about Justice and Freedom for all people.


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